
Posts Tagged ‘ginger root’


Om!This recipe was first given to Brahma, the creator, and eventually handed down in an oral tradition to our present day. With the help of Sri Ganesha, I will attempt to put the recipe to writing. Forgive me if I make an error as I humbly transmit this valuable teaching.

2 cups of pure water.
1 cup milk (or plain EdenSoy milk)
1 Tbsp. Darjeeling tea.
1-2 inches Fresh ginger root.
1/2 tsp cardamon powder.
1/2 tsp cinnamon powder or chips (too taste)
1-2 pinches ground nutmeg.
1-3 tsp. turbinado sugar, agave, Sucanat, or local honey. (Stevia as sugar substitute)

First bring 2 cups of water to a boil along with the fresh ginger root (shredded),cardamon, and cinnamon powder. Immediately reduce heat to medium/low and simmer with the lid on for 3-5 minutes. Then remove the pot from the heat, add Darjeeling tea, and cover the pot. Let the tea steep for only 2 minutes (makes sure to not over steep the tea) and strain the tea decoction into a separate pot. Now add the milk of your choice, heat it up until it is good and warm, and sweeten the tea to your taste. Add the finishing touch of a pinch of nutmeg and you’re ready to drink.

Chai Guru Dev!


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